Fair Use, Don't ask Don't Tell

Mar 25, 2008 0 comments

A lot of teachers ask me questions on "fair use" in the classroom and I do my best to answer their questions, but sometimes I must admit I'd rather not answer them at all. I mean if you are asking, you really want permission, and I can not give permission. You must decide for yourself, investigate the laws, do some research and you will be more confused than when you started. If you really feel like giving yourself a headache ask a media specialist and watch him/her play lawyer. The truth is they are as confused as you are. Some however, are facing the problem head on. If your not familiar with the TED Talks heave the rock you have been living under and check it out, start with this talk on copyright law by Larry Lessig. When your done you should explore TED Talks some more and share it with your students. On the lighter side, check out the video below to see "Fair Use" in action.

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