Updating your Personal operating system:
Jul 4, 2008 0 commentsRecently, during a short flight I had the opportunity to watch a lecture by Thomas Friedman, author of the "The World is Flat". Mr Friedman's lecture, which can be viewed via itunes U, was insightful and thought provoking. I highly suggest that anyone who is involved with educating students watch his lecture and read his book. Friedman explains that much like a computer, people must update their personal operating system to keep themselves relevant and working efficiently. Unfortunately, updating your personal operating system is not as simple as clicking a button. Updating your personal operating system requires you to recognize and implement technology that fundamentally changes the way people create, communicate and share ideas and information. This is no easy task but fortunately many small updates build on one another and make subsequent updates much easier with less downtime. So how does all this relate to teachers? Well many of us need a big update, or maybe a whole new operating system, a fundamental shift in the way we keep up on what's going on in the world. We can't sit back and skip these updates, ignoring the constant reminders that there is something new to learn or incorporate into our personal operating systems. We need to check for updates everyday and realize that technology is changing the way things are done in this world. Whether we like it or not, keeping our operating systems up to date is a necessity if we are to prepare our students for the world they will compete in. The job is never done, the next update is just around the corner. Stay tuned and hang on it is a wonderful ride.

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