Playing around with wikis
Jun 25, 2008 0 commentsI had a blast working with folks during the wiki workshop held recently. See the fruits of our labors on the Tech Two Teach wikispace, the links to the other participants wikispaces are on the front page. I am so excited that we all got a chance to collaborate ideas on how to use wikis in the classroom. We were also able to set up some social networking tools like twitter and to keep in touch after the workshop was over. The Tech Two Teach wiki is open to everyone and I hope folks who attend my workshops will continue to visit and contribute. It would be a great place to showcase teacher work. So if you do something really cool using technology go ahead and showcase it on the wiki there might be a prize for the best use of technology by a teacher for the 2008-2009 school year. How about the "techie awards"?... O.K maybe the name needs some work but the idea is good. Thanks again everyone, I can't wait to check on the wikis and see how they have grown. M

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