Links for today 06/29/2008
Jun 29, 2008 0 commentsPoll Everywhere | How it Works
Poll anywhere
Kind of like voicethread but maybe a little better
Tech-fu for Teachers
Poll Everywhere | How it Works
Poll anywhere
Kind of like voicethread but maybe a little better
tags: blogger
After teaching a web 2.o course and trying to keep up with all that is going on at NECC this week, I finally got a chance to answer a question that was posted on the moodle course, "How do you know what tool to use" or more specifically is a blog or wiki more appropriate? The answer to this question, like many others, is it depends. With some imagination either platform could be made to work on a number of different levels. Obviously, one is more suited to group contribution and one is better at a more conversation like dynamic. That being said, a blog authored by several people or a wiki edited by just one person blurs the lines. As a teacher you must learn about the strengths and weaknesses of each tool you employ. No one tool will do it all, just like no one teaching method will reach all your students. You as a teacher use all the tools at your disposal to get the job done. The more tools the better. The more versatile tools are the most valuable.
I often hear, "how can I use this technology in the classroom?" Well, it is my experience that even the creators of some tools don't realize how it will be used. Animoto is just one example (by the way I got my free account extended thanks to my web 2.0 class network). It is the magic of the classroom teacher that takes a tool and uses it in a new way, in science we call it transference, when one technology developed to solve a problem is applied to a new problem with favorable results. Transference is the idea behind "space age technology" technology developed by NASA for space travel often makes its way to other applications to help mankind on earth. I believe the same thing is going on right now with the internet and web 2.0. It's up to teachers and their imagination to find ways to transfer these new tools and from what I have seen we are up for the job. The conversations at the recent web 2.0 workshops were amazing. The next time someone says teaching is not rocket science you tell them if you do it right it most certainly is!
I had a blast working with folks during the wiki workshop held recently. See the fruits of our labors on the Tech Two Teach wikispace, the links to the other participants wikispaces are on the front page. I am so excited that we all got a chance to collaborate ideas on how to use wikis in the classroom. We were also able to set up some social networking tools like twitter and to keep in touch after the workshop was over. The Tech Two Teach wiki is open to everyone and I hope folks who attend my workshops will continue to visit and contribute. It would be a great place to showcase teacher work. So if you do something really cool using technology go ahead and showcase it on the wiki there might be a prize for the best use of technology by a teacher for the 2008-2009 school year. How about the "techie awards"?... O.K maybe the name needs some work but the idea is good. Thanks again everyone, I can't wait to check on the wikis and see how they have grown. M
A new study conducted by the University of Minnesota appears to confirm what many of have suspected; social networks are helping kids learn even if they don't realize it. The study also suggests that the technology gap between students of different economic levels is decreasing, a finding that seems to contradict previous studies. You can see a summary of the report here and watch a video on the research. It is well worth checking out.
What a cool logo, for those of you who are not familiar with Wesley Fryer and his blog Moving at the speed of creativity you should really subscribe. His dedication is inspiring and his thoughts appreciated by this blogger. Keep it up Wes, we are listening.
Every school year should start with a review of all the things you can do with google. Google's Search Features Just keep getting better and better.
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This is a really short post to introduce TeacherTech my new google site for teachers. This is the companion site to my blog. Please check it out and give me some feedback. Its been a super school year and I can't wait to meet with some of you at the workshops this summer. Take care till then.
Just a quick post on Gawker a free time-lapse program for mac users. Simple interface, does what it needs to do, type of program I love. Great for all sorts of school projects. Also great for filming yourself while surfing the net! Download and enjoy!