Top Tools for Teachers

Apr 6, 2008 0 comments

I just stumbled upon this list of top 100 tools for teachers and it got me thinking. What are my favorite tools? Well Keynote for sure (Mac's version of PowerPoint) but what else? What do I use everyday? Minuteur is one of my best tools, and so simple, and so free. Minuteur is for the mac but I am sure there is something for windows users. Basically Minuteur is a small timer application that sits on my desktop. It can display a timer on the screen in the front of my room using my projector. I use Minuteur at the beginning of class as a visual and auditory cue that class is going to begin. Minuteur also comes in very handy during standardized testing, and any other activity that is time sensitive. I am also becoming a huge fan of Google docs, specifically the presentation application now available. I have an example at the bottom of the page and I also have one on my Wikispace. I see a huge potential for this presentation application. Some things I hope to see in the future are: audio, animation and something like VoiceThread. Ahhh dare to dream. Anyway what are your favorite tools, what can't you live without?

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