Social Networks in School: the least of our worries

Apr 17, 2008 0 comments

Recently I came across a report about social networks in schools on the National School Board Association website. This report is food for much thought but the report does not contain anything those of us involved with social networks and educating did not already know. Social networks are the least of our problems. In fact Social networking might be the answer to many of our problems. With violence, drugs, and gangs in our schools are we really going to worry about kids socializing on the internet? Are we crazy? Are we really preparing kids for the future by blocking social media? Maybe our kids need to socialize a little more on the web, after all I've never seen of a kid getting punched or stabbed over the internet. I've never seen kids pass drugs to one another over the web. I have however seen these things in the hallways of our public schools. The web has its dangers but our school's hallways are a far more real threat. Education is the answer, in the hallways, in the home and on the web.