Response to yesterdays Post

Mar 31, 2008 0 comments

Create your own Motivational Poster. This works great with Flickr. If you are not using Flickr you really should consider it. Another great tool is Picasa. They are both free and host your pictures for all your projects. In addition they are great sites for finding pictures. Need a complete set of frog dissection pictures for a PowerPoint? Flickr has them, and picture of just about everything else. Have Fun

Protecting our Kids to Death

Mar 30, 2008 0 comments

This summer I had the unique opportunity to spend some time with "Jake" Jacobs a.k.a Mr. Wizard. Jake Jacobs is actually the fourth Mr. Wizard. Jake is an incredibly interesting person who has spent a lifetime educating kids about science. He spoke to a group of educators half his age (myself included) and his presentation was amazing. When asked his opinion on the current state of education, in particular science, Jacobs responded by pointing out how protecting our kids is killing creativity and robbing them of valuable learning experiences. I could not agree more. In our effort to protect our kids, we have done away with bunsen burners, scalpels, matches and just about anything else that could harm our kids. We argue that kids can do virtual labs and virtual field trips, and be safe and sound. Problem is, our kids are less safe and less sound than ever. In our race to incorporate technolgy into the classroom, let's not forget what technology is and fight for the less sexy technology to make a comeback in our schools, things like hammers and drills. Maybe, let a kid burn his finger, so one day he might know enough not to burn down a building. There is an idea! Teach kids how to control fire before they make their first PowerPoint. Maybe, kids should build a computer before they surf the net and create that myspace page, and by build I mean physically put it together, not order it to their specifications. Maybe after a kid cuts his finger with a knife, he will be less likely to cut off his finger one day. The hot stove teaches best, let's fire up the bunsen burners!

Fair Use, Don't ask Don't Tell

Mar 25, 2008 0 comments

A lot of teachers ask me questions on "fair use" in the classroom and I do my best to answer their questions, but sometimes I must admit I'd rather not answer them at all. I mean if you are asking, you really want permission, and I can not give permission. You must decide for yourself, investigate the laws, do some research and you will be more confused than when you started. If you really feel like giving yourself a headache ask a media specialist and watch him/her play lawyer. The truth is they are as confused as you are. Some however, are facing the problem head on. If your not familiar with the TED Talks heave the rock you have been living under and check it out, start with this talk on copyright law by Larry Lessig. When your done you should explore TED Talks some more and share it with your students. On the lighter side, check out the video below to see "Fair Use" in action.

Game Templates

Mar 23, 2008 0 comments

A lot of teachers use games in their classrooms. Kids love them and they are great for reviews and getting kids engaged. There are a lot of PowerPoint games out there on the web that you can download but unfortunately many of them are not that practical to use or they are old game shows most kids are unfamiliar with. One PowerPoint game that I do recommend is Jeopardy but not all are created equal. A favorite of my kids this version of Jeopardy is better than others out there. It is more like the actual game, contains the sound files you need and is simple to use. So simple I let my kids make their own games up. I give them 5 categories, they make up the questions, type them in the template and then we play. I use this exercise to make sure the kids and I are on the same page before a test. It never fails to amaze me when the kids make up harder questions than me! I also play a lot of games with my kids where I need a constant supply of questions to ask. One great program I use is iflash. Check it out it is a great tool. Oh yeah, another great web application out there is Quizlet. Free, web- based, with the ability to track your student's use. Quizlet is a proven winner. Lots of teachers are using this cool tool in their classroom for a reason, it works. You can make tests, create flash cards, share flash card sets, and play scatter a game based on the vocabulary in your class. Try Quizlet you and your students will be hooked. M

Web 2.0 Video

Mar 22, 2008 1 comments

Our new video on Web 2.0 is out. View it here.